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The reason Why I....write.

Six years ago I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I was prescribed medication and was referred to a therapist. Let me be the first to tell you how embarrassed I was. There was so much denial going through my head like "how is this happening to me?" I have always managed to get myself through anything but this particular time was completely different. I could not shake it and I was not bouncing back. I was literally stuck in this hopeless cycle of fear because this was something I had never experienced before. And this is how I grew to detach myself from the world.

Trying to explain to people that you are okay but not okay is a challenge. Some try to convince you that you are over reacting. Some try to talk you out your feelings. Some even get upset with you like you intentionally woke up one morning carrying the world on your shoulders. I knew exactly how I felt but because people had grown accustomed to my strong will, my mental health was overlooked. A whole other level of anxiety.

Please believe people when they have the courage to tell you something is wrong.

So there I was, fighting with my feelings and trying to keep myself on the pedestal I had been placed on. Contemplating on putting everything down just to stop how I was feeling.

Six years later and I can honestly tell you I have found so much peace in this storm. And this blog helped me to through it. It has become therapeutic. I do still struggle from time to time but my peace is rooted in acknowledging my truth. It keeps me going.

So if you are having a hard time coping with what life is throwing your way, I encourage you to lay it all at His feet. Prayer works but God has also positioned people to help on a different level. It is super hard trying to carry a load on your own when your hands are full and your mind cluttered. You become obsessed with your problems and it will completely exhaust you if you let it. Always remember that you matter and your feelings are always valid.

Your journey is completely different from that of the next person. Take your life back. The your power back.

I share these experiences with others in hopes of reaching those afraid to admit things to themselves. I share my truths in hopes that someone struggling can find comfort in my words. I share this space in hopes of creating a safe haven for those who fear acknowledging the unfamiliar. I share this journey because you deserve to set yourself free from what hinders you.

And if you have not heard it today, you are loved, you are seen, you are worthy, you are valued, you matter, you are always enough.

Now let's do the work!




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