Support Systems
Support System is defined by the Webster Dictionary as a network of people who provide an individual with practical or emotional support. I am one to tell you that my support system has been and still is wonderfully amazing. When you get a group of people who love, care, and support you even when you are in no position to show up for yourself...thank God. ASAP! People are already going through their own struggles and journey's in life and for them to have the time and energy to pour any amount of themselves into you is a blessing. So I want to take time to say thank you to my support system. You show up for me at times when I feel completely alone. You encourage me to be a better me. You support without hesitation even when I doubt myself. You push me to be greater when at times I am not as confident. I thank you for holding me accountable when fear causes me to forget who I am. I thank you for loving me through the process even when often times I want to completely give up. Thank you for encouraging me to stay motivated because I have learned so many lessons on adversity. Thank you for being real as it has enabled me to be transparent. Thank you for accepting me for who I am even when I am not able to show up in ways that are equal. Thank you for loving me unconditionally as I understand dealing with me is not always easy. I appreciate you all from the bottom of heart. I do not always have the correct words to say and may not always be in the space to express my feelings but please know that my heart is always in the right place. Please forgive me if I have not shown this gratitude in awhile, just know my love is always real.